About us
About us
What we do
Our role with adults
OPG for children and young people
National Redress Scheme and OPG
Where we are
How we make decisions
Our policies
Decision making frameworks
OPG and the Queensland Human Rights Act
Community Visitor Program
The purpose of the visitor program
Reporting a visitable site to the Public Guardian
What does a Community Visitor for children do?
What does a Community Visitor for adults do?
Request a visit from the community visitor program
Child Legal Advocacy
Adult Legal Advocacy and Decision Making
What does a legal officer for adults do?
Contact a legal officer
Our people
Multilingual fact sheets
Community education
Annual reports
Statements of commitment
Strategic plan
News and information
Media releases
Social Media
Complaints and feedback
Make a complaint about OPG
Making a complaint about a service provider or government department
Work at OPG
Join our team of community visitors
A day in the life of a community visitor
FAQs for community visitors
Contact us
I am a child or young person
I am a child or young person
Who can help you
Community Visitor
Child Advocate
A day in the life of a Child Community Visitor
A day in the life of a Child Advocate
Know your rights
My rights
My standards of care
Stand up for yourself
OPG child advocates
Protecting the rights of children in visitable sites
Speak to us
Guardianship and decision making
Guardianship and decision making
What is impaired decision-making capacity?
When is a guardian appointed?
Getting a guardian
Mental health
Links to policies relating to decision making
Disputing a decision made by the OPG
Plan ahead
Why plan now?
What does planning involve?
The forms
Your questions answered
Resources for attorneys
Enduring Power of Attorney
How we make decisions
Private Guardian Support
Restrictive Practices decision making
Supported decision making
Health Care Decision Making
Health care principle
Advance health directive
Making health care decisions for others
Responsibilities of a statutory health attorney
Our role with NDIS
Mental health care decisions
Objectives of the MHA
Mental Health Act 2016 changes
Consent for mental health treatment and care
Additional resources
Residential aged care decisions
What are the general principles?
What do we take into account when deciding whether to make a residential aged care decision?
Other considerations
What information do we require in order to make a residential aged care decision?
A day in the life of a Guardian
A day in the life of a Legal Officer - Adult Legal Team
Contact guardianship services
Community visitors for adults
Community visitors for adults
Visiting Adults
A day in the life of an Adult Community Visitor
Request a Visit
Investigating abuse of adults
Investigating abuse of adults
What is abuse?
Definitions of abuse
Elder abuse
Reporting abuse to OPG
When can I report abuse to OPG?
What is impaired decision-making capacity?
What information do I need to report abuse to OPG?
What is the reporting process?
FAQs about reporting abuse to OPG
Report abuse now
Our investigations process
What situations can OPG investigate?
What powers of investigation do we have?
What happens during an investigation?
Possible investigation outcomes
Investigations FAQs
Case studies
Jail time for fraudulent daughter
Protection for Gladys
Henry gets help and his son gets caught out
Jean — a conflict transaction victim
Information for professionals
Financial institutions staff
Residential aged care staff
Doctors and health workers
Who else can help?
Elder abuse
Disability advocacy and support
Legal services and tribunals
Restrictive practices
Restrictive practices
Restrictive practices approval
Decision Making Framework
Health decisions
Health decisions
Making health care decisions for others
Health care consent line
Responsibilities of a statutory health attorney
Advance Health Directive
Mental health care decisions
Objectives of the MHA
Mental Health Act 2016 changes
Consent for mental health treatment and care
Additional resources
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I am a child or young person
I am a child or young person
Who can help you
Read more
Know your rights
Read more
Protecting the rights of children in visitable sites
Read more
Speak to us
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